More Painting

               These are my most recent paintings.

decided to take a bunch of old paintings that I no longer like and cut them up. Then I made collages and turned the old paintings into new paintings that I like.

      This is a self portrait. It looks a lot like me but I got the skin tone wrong.

 This is a painting that I submitted to the Coming of Age show at the Sharon Arts gallery. I really hope they accept it. This paining took me about four hours to make because it is relatively small. I think it is 20 x 24. I had my dad frame it because he frames a lot of my paintings. He bought this frame but he usually makes the frames because he is a carpenter.

Statement   for Coming of Age

            This piece was made to represent that all humans are born as a blank slate or a moldable entity. Its not until some kind of influence comes into a humans life that they start to learn. All people learn from their parents. A person will learn to walk and talk by imitating their mother or father.  So the figure is portrayed with a piece of ribbon around their mouth and eyes because at the age of twenty or even thirty the humans character is not defined yet.  It is what we see and our experiences and how we react to those experiences that defines us as a human being. There are many paths a person can take in life but in the end it is all up to the individual.